Poster Prints

We make gorgeous poster prints with quick turnaround, quality workmanship, and great customer service, all at competitive prices. When you’re ready to get started, click the button below to get your free estimate.

Get Poster Prints Produced in Wilmington, NC

Poster prints are great for both temporary and long-term purposes. Use them at your convention to communicate with your attendees. Use them at your event to enhance your guest’s experience. Liven up your office with gorgeous full-color posters. Poster prints also make great hanging restaurant menus. They frame beautifully too.

ULTRABOARD: Rigid Foam Core Posters

Our answer to foam core is Ultraboard — a rigid foam core with PVC faces that doesn’t warp! This is a lightweight substrate that prints beautifully. It is perfect for trade shows, conferences and hanging restaurant menus. Its only downside is if handled repeatedly or roughly, the corners can break when dropped. This is a favorite of our clients, especially for framing.

PVC Posters

PVC is a fast-turnaround, economical substrate, recommended for indoor application out of direct sunlight. (PVC can warp in extreme sunlight or uneven heat). Thin PVC is great for simple door or directional signs, while the thicker versions can be printed with beautiful art and photography.

Corrugated Plastic (Coroplast®) Posters

Corrugated plastic is lightweight and hollow structure that is waterproof and long-lasting; it is one of the most economical substrates we offer. We chuckle, but many clients ask for the “plastic cardboard” and we know this is what they want. Coroplast prints beautifully for the price. The downside is the ridged texture and visible corrugation on the edges. For this reason, we tend to recommend it when clients are looking for a quick-turnaround, low-priced, short-term option.

Paper Posters

Our paper poster is the most economical product we sell and yet, it prints beautifully. We print posters on weather-proof paper with solvent ink, which means the face is waterproof; which adds to the overall durability. The backside is exposed paper, so we don’t recommend it for outdoor use on windy or rainy days. Otherwise, it is a great option for one-time use banners, posters for special events and advertisements, or economical photography displays.

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